Updated January 2022
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Typically, each meeting that I have with my troop is planned around earning a Daisy petal. Since our schedule this year has us only meeting once at the end of February, I did not want my Daisies to miss any Valentine’s Day fun! I decided to incorporated the two.
This activity helps the girls earn the green Daisy petal “Use Resources Wisely”. If you give the craft to others, for example, a senior citizen home, then it can also be used to earn the rose petal (Make the World a Better Place) and earn the spring green Daisy petal (Considerate and Caring).

Image created on Canva
I adapted Class Act Apple for Valentine’s Day. Brownie troops can do more of the work themselves. Juniors can adapt this craft using fabric to earn a sewing patch. Or, just for fun, this can be made no sew with the use of a hot glue gun (adult supervision needed).
Just a note-I always make a sample craft. By doing this, you can avoid mistakes and mishaps. For example, I was planning on using Elmer’s wet glue, but it just did not stick to the paper bag well enough. It kept sliding the hearts around.
I did the prep work at home. I cut enough paper bags into heart shapes, and labeled the hearts on the inside so they would match up properly. I had my seven year old twins use a foam paint brush and some tempera paint to paint one of the hearts red. Two coats was enough. When they were dry, I matched up the two ends and paperclipped them together.
I bought floral wire and cut strands about 16 inches long. I also purchased heart stickers for this craft.
Heart Stickers Available on Amazon
At the meeting, we talked about the meaning of Valentine’s Day. I then read them the story, Mama, Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse.
Inside, I had my co-leader and three other moms (yes, lucky me, I have plenty of volunteers most meetings!) heating up the hot glue guns. (Ask in advance for the girls to bring them in with glue sticks) Once the story was done, we brainstormed ideas to write on the heart. The we passed out the hearts, the stickers, and black Sharpie markers.
The girls put their names on the back and starting writing and decorating. When they were done, they went up to one of the moms who hot glued the sides about 2/3 of the way. Then the girls went back to the table, stuffed the hearts with fiberfill, and then returned to have them hot glued shut.
Once they were glued shut, I punched holes on each side and showed the girls how to twist the wire to make it not stick out.
With the extra time, we made Valentine’s Day cards.
Note-this can also be done for a Mother’s Day craft as well.