Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Girl Scout Cadette to Senior Bridging Resources

Girl Scout Cadette to Senior Bridging Resources

Here are all the Girl Scout Cadette to Senior bridging resources that leaders can use to help plan the ceremony.

Updated February 2025

*This post contains affiliate links.

Could it be that your troop of Cadette Girl Scouts is not only graduating middle school, but is also ready to bridge to Seniors? High School and a new level of scouts is around the corner, both big milestones for these young teenage girls. Hopefully your troop will be staying together for more adventures and learning in the fall.


Girl Scout Bridging Resources for Cadettes to Seniors

Photo from Pixabay

If they are, the girls should be planning their Cadette to Senior Girl Scout ceremony. While you hope that they will do work at home, in reality, with the busy-ness of their lives, you might be better off scheduling a special meeting devoted to planning this event.

Steps to Planning Your Cadette to Senior Bridging Ceremony

At this stage of the scouting game, I will assume that you already picked out a date and contacted the parents about it, and that you have planned where it will take place. In addition, menu planning for your party should be second nature as you have done this a few times before. The girls can actually do some of the planning and prep work for this.


Girl Scout Cadette to Senior Bridging Certificate

Bridging Certificate Available on Teachers Pay Teachers

You know the personality of your troop…that should guide you to how long it should be. Are most of your girls shy or do they love to be the center of attention? Once you help them figure out how long they want the ceremony to be, then they can use these resources for their planning.

*NOTE-You will also want to have a special part of your bridging ceremony dedicated to those who have earned the Silver Award.

Girl Scout Bridging  This is from the GSUSA and has all the steps the girls need to follow before the actual ceremony.

Use Resources Wisely This blogger has a ceremony for leaders and girls to use.

Tripod There is some good information towards the bottom of the page for your girls to use, including things to say for those who have earned the Silver Award.

Girl Scouts of Northern California have a guide for you to use as well.

Step up to Seniors is a script from the GSUSA

Geocities-An old site that has some information that you can use.

San Diego Girl Scouts has information as well.

This ceremony is long, but worth it to glean ideas. Make the girls some popcorn and watch it together.

Silver Award Ceremony Ideas

Here are some links for planning the Silver Award component of your Cadette to Senior Girl Scout bridging ceremony.

Girl Scouts of Western Washington Scroll down to page 6 for the information you see

Last Girl Scout Cadette Meeting Photo Op Signs

Last Girl Scout Cadette Meeting Photo Op Signs Set of Three

Available on TpT


Gifts for Older Scouts

If you are planning on giving your girls a bridging gift, here are some ideas for older girls that they will appreciate.

What are you doing for your Girl Scout Cadette to Senior bridging ceremony?

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