Build your troop community with these free ice breaker games for Girl Scouts of all levels.
Updated August 2022
Are you looking for a fun way for your girls to get to know each other a little better? Whether you have an established troop or one that is just about to begin, there are many fun activities for leaders to do so their girls can become better acquainted with each other.

These ice breaker games are all free for you to download.
Free Icebreaker Games for Girl Scout Using M&Ms and Skittles

Available here from Rachel Lynette
She also has another free resource full of “Would You Rather” questions here.
Are you into Random Acts of Kindness? Here is a game for your girls to play and again, it is from Rachel Lynette.
Need another free Girl Scout icebreaker game? Check out this post with another free Girl Scout icebreaker game for your girls to get to know each other.
Thank you for sharing your publications. I will be sharing icebreakers with Girl Scout leaders.
You are very welcome! As a teacher, I use activities like these all the time because they work. Enjoy using them!