When the new scouting year begins, it is time for leaders to plan a Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication ceremony. This guide will help you with your planning.
Updated August 2023
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Ceremonies have played an important role in Girl Scouts for decades. One way leaders can start the scouting year off is with a Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication ceremony. These ceremonies can be short and simple or they can be longer. It all depends on the dynamics and level of your troop.
A Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication ceremony marks a scouting milestone. Be sure to take lots of pictures so your girls will have years of memories to put in their scrapbooks.
Girl Scout Investiture Ceremonies
At some point in our lives, we have all been “the new kid”. Whether that was at school, on a team, or on the job, we have all entered a place and met a group of people whom we did not know. A Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony welcomes those girls who are new to your troop. This ceremony recognizes them and welcomes them into the sisterhood of your troop.
For a complete guide to investiture ceremonies, please read this updated blog post, The Ultimate Girl Scout Investiture Ceremony Guide.
Daisy Investiture and Rededication Certificates Available in One Bundle or Separately
Available on Teachers Pay Teachers
Girl Scout Rededication Ceremonies
Guides for All Levels
Here is a list of resources for leaders to use for their rededication ceremony.
Girl Scout Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas (the basics of a having ceremony are on the first few pages. Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication ceremonies start on page 20)
Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
Girl Scouts of Central and Western Massachusetts (Start at page 10. They have some broken down to scout level)
Brownie Investiture and Rededication Certificates Available in One Bundle or Separately
Available on Teachers Pay Teachers
Keeping It SImple and Easy (an actual Girl Scout leader’s script that she used with her troop)
Girl Scouts of Utah (short and snappy version)
Junior Investiture and Rededication Certificates Available in One Bundle or Separately
Available on Teachers Pay Teachers
Girl Scout Rededication Ceremonies Specifically for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors
Cadette and Senior Rededication Ceremony

These Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication Certificates are sold as a bundle or separately.
FInd the Cadette Certificates here
Find Ambassador Certificates Here
Find Senior and Ambassador Certificates Bundled here
What are you doing for your Girl Scout Investiture and Rededication ceremonies?