Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Girl Scout Brownie First Year Meeting Plans Your First Nine Meetings

Girl Scout Brownie First Year Meeting Plans Your First Nine Meetings

As your troop gets ready for their first meeting, here is an outline of what your Girl Scout Brownie first year meeting plans for your first nine meetings can look like.

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Part of the Girl Scout progression is being girl-led. At the Brownie level, this can look like having the girls vote on the badges they want to earn. While that is what I did with my troop over the 13 year I was their leader, I also knew that the meetings had to fit into the right time of year and whether or not it was an indoor badge or an outdoor badge.

Girl Scout Brownie First Year Meeting Plans September to December

I also had to consider if it was a field trip and when that could be scheduled. When the girls were in elementary school, all field trips were done at our meeting time or during half-days of school. When they got older, we would have outings on Saturdays or when school had a half day. My work schedule had to be factored into this as well.

While your girls need to have a say in what badges they are earning, as the leader, you are more aware of what badge falls better in the scheduling. For example, in most parts of the country, camping in February is not going to work due to the weather. They can earn the Brownie Eco Friend badge in the fall or in the spring.

Here are my suggestions for earning Girl Scout Brownie badges from your first meeting to the final one in September.

If you want a ready to go and discounted meeting plan package, I do have a resource for the first nine Brownie meetings here. They are also available separately as well.

Girl Scout Brownie Nine Meeting Plan Bundle

Available on TpT

The resources in this bundle are:

  • First Girl Scout Brownie Meeting of the Year
  • Brownie Making Friends Badge (great for the second meeting-create a sisterhood)
  • Brownie Girl Scout Way Badge with Kim’s Game (perfect for Founder’s Day in October)
  • Brownie Fair Play Badge (this is a floater meeting and can be done any time of year)
  • Halloween Fun Meeting
  • Brownie My Great Day Badge
  • Daisy and Brownie Friendsgiving Meeting-Earn Brownie Snacks Badge and Three Daisy Petals
  • Brownie Senses Badges for a Winter Meeting
  • Fun New Year’s Eve Meeting

By the third meeting of the year, you will want to have an Investiture and Rededication ceremony at the end of the meeting. You can invite parents to this. This blog post has all the information you need for your ceremony.

In addition to these meeting resources, another one that would fit in is the Democracy for Brownies badge. With the election season around the corner, this non-political badge earning resource is a great way to tie in current events.

Girl Scout Democracy for Brownie Badge

Available on TpT

What do you plan on doing with your Brownie troop this fall?

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