Girl Scout Bridging Certificates are available for free for all levels of scouts. Here are the sites where you can print yours.
Your troop’s next scouting milestone is around the corner. Commemorate it with these free printable Girl Scout bridging certificates.
Updated May 2022
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For those of you who are starting to plan your Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony, you may be considering giving the girls something as they cross over the “bridge”. Many leaders like to give girls some kind of certificate, which makes the event look so much more grown up and official.

There are several free online Girl Scout bridging certificates that you can print. If you do not want to waste your own ink, print one original and then take it to your local Staples or Office Max. Save the receipt to get reimbursed for your expense.
You can find free printable Girl Scout bridging certificates at these websites.
Mighty Girls Rock (must join her Facebook group to print)
Be sure to have cardstock on hand for all of your printing needs. Extra paper can be used for crafts throughout the year.
These bright and colorful pieces of cardstock will make your certificates stand out.
Bright white cardstock is another option.