If you are planning on meeting virtually this December, here is a fun and inclusive winter craft that all of the girls in your troop will enjoy.
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When my son was in third grade, his poor teacher did not get a break on Fridays-no gym, library or art. It made for a long day at the end of the week. She asked parents if they would like to come in an volunteer to do a craft activity with the kids.
Of course, I jumped at the chance to spend some time with my son and his friends without having to grade any papers!
Since it was winter, I decided to do a craft that was related to the weather we were experiencing. A marshmallow igloo fit the bill.

Materials Needed to Make a Marshmallow Igloo
This is what you need to create your own masterpiece:
Mini marshmallows
Small foam bowls (4 ounce size)
Foam plates
Confectioners sugar
Newspaper or plastic tablecloth
Directions on How to Make a Marshmallow Igloo
Before I do any craft with my Girl Scout troop, I always make sure to do one at home in advance to work out any kinks. The last thing you want to do is have an unforeseen problem with a group of kids who are looking to you to guide them.
How many marshmallows you need depends on the size of the bowl. I used a small bowl that required about 80 marshmallows to complete.
In a bowl, combine one cup of confectioners sugar and water. Add the water in slowly until it becomes a thick paste.
Place the small foam bowl on a foam plate. Dip each marshmallow into the sugar “glue” and line them up around the bottom. *Watch for children gluing the marshmallows in different directions. Once they start with top to bottom or side to side, they should stick with that pattern throughout.

Continue all around the first row until the first circle is complete. Do not try to build up the wall all the way, as each row is needed to support the one that lays on top of it.

When all the rows are done, it is time to do the roof. Lay the marshmallows across the top, making sure all of the top is covered.

The biggest challenge to my son’s class came from making the entrance. The children need to build a wall two or three marshmallows high. If they want to remove one or two of the marshmallows from the first row to make it look like a hole, they should do so now before the sugar glue dries.

Making a marshmallow igloo can easily be done during a virtual meeting.