Category: Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony
Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Guide
Here is a leader’s guide for your Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony. *This post contains affiliate links. Congratulations! Your first grade troop is ready for their Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie bridging ceremony. If you have never planned a bridging ceremony before, this […]
Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony Guide
This Girl Scout Daisy to Brownie Bridging ceremony guide is everything Daisy leaders need to create a memorable scouting milestone. *This post contains affiliate links. When your troop is ready to change scouting levels, it is called bridging. This is how the GSUSA describes bridging: Bridging is […]
It’s Not Too Early to Get Ready for Bridging!
Happy March! If your Girl Scout calendar is like mine, you only have the next three months to meet, and then you are off until September. If you are changing levels next fall, now is the time to think about bridging! There are bridging requirements […]
How I Made Our Bridge for Our Girl Scout Brownie to Junior Bridging Ceremony
Updated January 2025 Do you need an easy idea to make a bridge for your Girl Scout Brownie to Junior bridging ceremony? Here is an easy one that can be done with little time and effort. *This post contains affiliate links. My co-leader and I […]
Daisy to Brownie Bridging Ceremony
Hi everyone! Since it is that time of year where girls will be bridging from Daisies to Brownies, I thought I would bring back my post about it from last year. Image Created on Canva I also wanted to share my article about the bridging ceremony for […]