Tag: World Thinking Day
World Thinking Day 2016 Resources
Photo from Pixabay In five weeks, Girl Scouts around the world will be celebrating World Thinking Day 2016. The theme is “Connect” and this is so important in this day and age. We have so many false connections thanks to social media. Trying to make […]
World Thinking Day 2016
For all of you leaders who are planners, here is a link to World Thinking Day 2016. The theme this year is “Connect”, and my brain is whirling with all of the things you can do for this. Depending on the level of your girls, […]
Great Website for World Thinking Day Games
Whether you are meeting in person or virtually, this webiste has lots of ideas for leaders to use for World Thinking Day Games. *2/2/2021-Yes, this site is still around with lots of information for your World Thinking Day meeting! I was looking for some international […]
Thinking Day Passports at Makingfriends.com!
One of my favorite Girl Scout websites is makingfriends.com. For World Thinking Day, they have a whole list of printable passports for you to download. The countries available are: Australia Bolivia Brazil Canada China Egypt England France Germany Greece Guyana Haiti Hong Kong India Ireland […]
Girl Scout World Thinking Day-Start Planning Now!
Every year on February 22nd, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world celebrate World Thinking Day. It is a day to reflect and think about other scouts around the world. This date was chosen because it is the mutual birthday of Robert Baden-Powel and […]
World Thinking Day is February 22nd!
How do you want to celebrate World Thinking Day with your troop? Here is a helpful website World Thinking Day It is full of ideas and activities to help you and your troop.