Updated January 2023
Here are some basic Girl Scout Cookie selling tips to help leaders start off on the right foot.
For thousands of Girl Scouts across the United States, it is the most wonderful time of the year-it’s Girl Scout cookie selling season! For several weeks, the focus of troop meetings will be on creating a fantastic cookie booth, learning how to deal with customers, making change, and keeping a positive spirit while selling.
Leaders and their Cookie Moms will be responsible for ordering Girl Scout cookies, keeping track of supply and demand, and making sure that the troop is not left with any extra boxes at the end of the season.
What kinds of Girl Scout cookies being sold in 2015?
Thin Mints
Samoas/Caramel deLites
Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs
Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Savannah Smiles
Rah-Rah Raisins
Why do Some of the Cookies Have Two Different Names?
The reason for the two names is because the Girl Scouts of America uses two different bakers to make those cookies.
For 2015, the boxes have been updated to include more information about what modern Girl Scouting is all about. I have compiled a list of resources for Girl Scout leaders to use that will help them with their cookie sales.
![By Drmies (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons](http://www.girlscoutleader.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/512px-Selling_girl_scout_cookies.jpg)
Girl Scout Cookies Sales Organizer
If you have older girls, you can download this free pattern to make a Girl Scout cookie sales organizer. It can help them be more responsible in their sales.
Inside their personal organizer they can keep order forms, receipts, a pen, change, and anything else they need as they go from door to door with adult supervision.
Safety First!
Girl Scouts, no matter how old they are, should not sell cookies door to door without adult supervision. There should also be at least two adults at the cookie booth-one to watch the cookies and the money and one to keep an eye on the girls. The younger they are, the more supervision your girls need.
Staying Warm-Another Safety Rule
In many areas of the country, cookie season is during the harsh winter season. While some places permit you to have your cookie booths inside the vestibule, others do not. That means your girls and you will be outside, and let me tell you from experience, it gets cold fast!
If the weather is cold by you, buy some of these items to keep you and your amazing girls warm. This is a troop expense, so save your receipt to get reimbursed.
Cookie Mom Resources
Cookie Moms
This website is designed for cookie moms who are wither new or experienced. Lots of valuable advice and tips. Bookmark this one!
Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie Information
This is the official blog and information from the GSUSA website. There is plenty of information for you to discover and learn from.
How to Sell More Girl Scout Cookies
A successful cookie seller shares her best cookie selling tips via her mom’s blog.
Cookie Booth Tips
Great advice for running your booth.
Cookie Printables
Advice and printables are available for leaders.
Operation Cookie Drop
Girl Scout Cookie Thank You Notes
At your Girl Scout cookie selling prep meetings, you can teach the girls good manners by having them make thank you notes. A little bit of thanks goes a long way, especially for a customer who buys an entire carton of cookies! Having them pre-made to attach to the cookies makes it an easy task for the girls.
It would also be a good idea to make thank you cards for the Cookie Moms. They put in a lot of hard work for the troop!
Premade thank you tags can be found at:
Do you have any Girl Scout cookie selling tips to share?