Girl Scout Week 2016 can be a source of pride for your troop. Here are activities they can do to celebrate.
*Updated February 2021
It seems that during our busy cookie season, leaders also have two important Girl Scout holidays to celebrate as well. After World Thinking Day on February 22nd, there is Girl Scout Week. This year, Girl Scout Week 2016 is March 6-March 12th.

Photo from Pixabay
Background and the history of Girl Scout week can be found on this blog post from last year (all links have been checked and they work). This week is all about service to the community-what the troop has done and what else they can do to make the world a better place.
My Service Unit asks leaders to hand in lists of girls who are in scouts to hand in to each elementary and middle school, and their names are read during morning announcements (girls can opt out if they want to). I am pleased that my daughter and her friends still want their names to be shared. They are not embarrassed about being Girl Scouts. In fact, there is another very active Cadette troop in our Council and many of those girls attend the same middle school as my daughter. It is a nice thing to see!
Our local Council also typically has a fun roller skating night at a local rink for all girls during Girl Scout Week. It is a time to come together and it permits the younger girls to see the older girls having fun as a scout. Our troop will be attending this celebration once again.
I have found more resources for leaders to use for Girl Scout Week 2016. Ignore the dates on the documents-they have nothing to do with the actual celebration itself. Start planning now so you won’t be trying to do everything last minute!
Girl Scout Week Activity Chart With Blank Spaces
There is a space for girls to write what they did for each activity.
Resources for younger scouts.
What activities will your troop be doing for Girl Scout Week 2016?