One of the responsibilities of being a troop leader is attending the monthly Leader Meetings. If you have a co-leader, you can take turns attending if getting out is a hassle.
Some months, all I was able to do was pick up the contents of my folder and leave. I felt badly, but my kids are not the kind to sit quietly through an adult meeting (and some of the adults attending are not able to sit quietly, either!)
Last night, our meeting was really informative and hope it is structured that way more often.
After discussing the cookie sale, we broke into “levels” discussion groups-Daisy, Brownie, Junior. Much like the cross-town grade level meetings I attended as an elementary school teacher, I learned so much from our discussion. I was surrounded by women who had the same questions as I did, who needed ideas like I do, who had ideas that worked for them.
If your Leader Meetings are not giving you the information you need, perhaps suggesting levels discussions at every other meeting to your local council would be beneficial. Havng one person in charge of your level, who can coordinate the information shared, will help all of us be more successful leaders.