Updated January 2025
Do you need an easy idea to make a bridge for your Girl Scout Brownie to Junior bridging ceremony? Here is an easy one that can be done with little time and effort.
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My co-leader and I met today to create our “bridge” for our Brownie to Junior Girl Scout bridging ceremony in May.

Photo by Hannah Gold
We talked about what we were going to do as we sponge painted flower pots, which will act as our bridge. I got the idea for this from Mom’s Mini Van and made it my own. When it is all up on our big day in May, I will post a picture.I wanted to make something that the girls could have as a keepsake of this special Girl Scout milestone. I purchased ten terra cotta pots which cost less than when purchased in bulk. We wrote out each girl’s name in a thick black Sharpie and used sponge painted them with glittery green acrylic paint.
We hot glued a styrofoam ball to the bottom of each pot, which dried rather quickly after we painted them. Then we hot glued the top of the dowel and inserted it in the center of the ball so it would stay in one place.
We will be devoting the last two meetings to our bridging ceremony and for finishing our scrapbooks for the year, as well as one final Brownie Try It.
I wrote an article about the specifics of our Brownie to Junior Bridging Ceremony. You can read it here.
If you are bridging from Daisies to Brownies, read how my troop did it here.
Let me know all about your bridges and ceremonies! I would love to share them with other leaders who may need idea.
*All photos by Hannah Gold
I like your idea. I made a bridge that looks like a pallet with semi finished slats. I was going to use helium balloons for the side rails. I am going to use your letters for each girl’s initial. I really like the pots but storage may be an issue. Good thinking ladies! Thank you
I am glad you liked the idea! I had eight girls bridging, so I kept the pots in my sunroom, which was out of the way. We bridged at my home, so set up was easy.