Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Books to Help You Earn Daisy Petals

As a teacher, my favorite time of the day is story time.  I love to be theatrical and use different voices and expressions as I read aloud (that’s my inner high school thespian coming out!)  I also know that kids absorb so much more from story books than they do when you lecture at them or when you use workbook pages.

When I was a Daisy leader, many times I would begin my earning petal meetings with a story that related to the topic.  I would talk about the petal we were going to earn and ask the girls what they thought it meant.  After a short discussion, I would take out a book and have the girls sit on the carpet while I read it to them.  Of course, I would stop at important points and ask them about how this related to Girl Scouts.

There are many books that can help you earn Daisy petals.

Photo from Pixabay

Books are the perfect springboard/opening activity for the beginning of your meeting.  You can also use a book at the end of your meeting for closure (finishing it up), as it is a calming activity. The choice is yours!   You can also tie in your craft and activity based on the book you have chosen.
I have compiled a list of books that relate to every Daisy petal.  You can read about it here!

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