Updated October 2020
This week I had an interesting conversation with another teacher at my synagogue’s preschool, where I have been working as a long-term sub. While watching the little ones run around and play, a new teacher and I started chatting. I know this woman casually, as our kids were in preschool together and our daughters are in the same bunk at camp.
I was sharing with her how I bring my love of teaching into my troop meetings, and she said quite snarkily, “Oh, I would never be a leader!”. I asked if her daughter was a Girl Scout, and she said, “Yes! She loves it!”.
I then said, “Isn’t your daughter lucky to have someone who wants to be her leader?”. Then I walked away.

Ladies, give yourself a pat on the back for stepping up to the plate. I know that our volunteer job is not always easy. Things happen that make us upset, cringe, or wonder why we continue being a leader. There are parents who are quick to judge and blame, but would never help out.
How many of you have ever received a “thank you” note, email or even a small gift from your girls for all of your time and effort?
To help us through the challenging times, I wrote this article, Girl Scout Leader-Tips for Maintaining Your Sanity.
I hope it helps!
Amen. Your tips are exactly how I run my troop. I require every parent to be involved in some fashion. I may be the ‘leader’ and handle all the paperwork, but our schedule and activities are planned by the group, with the parent that wants to see a particular activity happen be the point person for it.
Over the years, I’ve gotten yelled at by parents, one actually said, “I don’t have time for my daughter, that’s your job”.(!!!) I’ve had parents make personal attacks on me in front of other parents because they didn’t like how I ran my troop, they thought it was ridiculous I required every parent to attend at least one meeting with the girls. I’ve had parents yank their daughters out of our troop because they don’t like how we do things. I’ve also had issues with our local council – for an organization that is volunteer based, they tend to treat their volunteers pretty shabby. They may actually be the most ungrateful people I’ve come across as a troop leader.
My girls and their parents however, are grateful for what I do. One of the mothers in my troop was a leader for one of her older daughters and knows firsthand what a hard, thankless job it can be. I generally get a thank you from whichever parent has helped out that week (along with a “how do you do this week after week?”) and the girls are always grateful. And yes, I have gotten thank you gifts from them as a troop. Even without that though, the girls do make it worth it.
As a former public school teacher, what your wrote does not surprise me. In fact, I cannot imagine myself ever going into the classroom again because of the behavior that you described.
Kudos to you for requiring parental help! I used to do the same, but no longer do. However, almost all of my moms come in at least once a year because they want to!