Here is how we finished up the Girl Scout Junior Amuse Journey so we could get started on our Bronze Award.
Updated October 2020
To prepare for our final Amuse Journey meeting, I took the list of stereotypes that the girls generated at our previous meeting and typed them out on paper. To be honest, I had to turn the negative ones (example, “Girls can’t…) and change the wording to make it a positive. I then cut each one into a strip and placed it into a brown lunch bag. I had extras so that no one felt like they got “stuck” with the last one.
I did not want arguing over who got which idea, as some were easier to write about than others.
I told the girls that they were fold a piece of computer paper in half, top to bottom. On the bottom, they were to write a paragraph about their given stereotype and on top draw it. My co-leader and I helped the girls who seemed stuck, and by the end, everyone finished (but barely!)
Over the winter break, I will retype what they wrote and then glue their picture on top. I will take it to Staples and have it copied and bound. The school librarian, once a Girl Scout herself, told me that she would happily put the book in the school library.
I am so happy that the Journey is over.
We are unable to meet a second time this month due to the school calendar, so our next meeting is scheduled for the first week of January, where we will select a Bronze Award topic from the list we made in the fall and start planning.
What are your plans and goals for 2014?