Our final meeting was a great success. While the girls sat outside the hallway and ate their after school snack, they were looking at each other’s scrapbooks and laughing at what they used to look like and the silly faces they had made.
Once snack time was over and we went into the art room, the new leader “hijacked” the meeting to give my co-leader and me a gift from the girls. This was totally unexpected, but it felt so good to be appreciated for the six years I have put into running my troop. Then she had each girl share a special memory or thank you to us.
Then the photos were passed out and the scrapping began. The meeting time flew by and it was a nice feeling when we finished the Friendship Circle and sang “Make new Friends” one last time.
I will be cleaning out my office to give the new leader all of the things she needs, like the checkbook and paperwork I have on file.
It is a great feeling to see what my girls have accomplished since kindergarten!
I didn’t realize that each girl had a scrapbook. what a great idea!! Do you have any photos of them?
What happens if a girl doesn’t attend an event, just she just assist others with their scrapbook?
All of the girls have their own scrapbook. Since we use Avery 1 inch binders, I just buy top loading inserts and stationary I bought on sale or colorful cardstock and stickers.
My co-leader took photos at every meeting and twice a year ran them off. Each girl has dozens of photos to put in during our two scrapbook meetings that we held each year. It is rare for anyone to miss a meeting…we meet right after school on Friday and unless they are absent due to illness, they are there. So even if a girl missed a meeting, she still had a ton of pictures to put into her album.
I do not post photos of my girls, but I do have a picture of the cover in this post http://www.girlscoutleader.net/2010/04/the-perpetual-girl-scout-scrapbook.html
Thanks for the advice! I definitely want to start this with my girls. Such a lovely memory for them!