Last night I attended my final Leader meeting as the official leader of my troop. I was joined by my friend who is taking over in the fall. I told her that if she ever needed me to fill in for her, I would be there.
Our troop will run differently next year, as every parent is required to assist at one meeting and be on one trip. All parents agreed to this new stipulation.
Best of all, all 11 of my girls will stay on to be Cadettes! I am amazed at our retention rate over the years, and I am so proud of my troop. I am sure that an injection of fresh leadership is helping with the numbers, as well as the tight knit group we have established over the years.
How many of your girls are continuing in the fall?
I have a troop of 16 girls. only 1 is leaving in the fall due to moving.
That is great news! You must be doing something right! Good for you!