Hello everyone!
I want to wish all of my readers a very happy and healthy new year. I have been busy going back into the archives of this blog, which will be five years old in January! I am updating old posts to make sure the links work, removing posts that no longer serve a purpose, adding more resources to older posts and moving some of my articles that appear on other sites to this one.
This past year I has two platforms where my Girl Scout work appeared disappear, and a third site is not where I want to showcase my work. That is one big reason why my posts have been less frequent these past few months…that and I have increased my real world job hours. I still juggle four part-time jobs, family life and volunteering, and something had to give. This blog was one of them.
I am using this relaxing winter break to bring this blog up to date and make it a destination for leaders of all levels.
My troop will be selling cookies next month and I will share how we are doing with the sales and how the girls feel about it (as well as the parents!).
Have a wonderful and safe New Year!