Free printable Girl Scout Cookie thank you notes and more will help your troop get the most out of cookie season!
*Updated January 2023
Cookie selling is involves many many life skills sets. Some of them are:
- Planning
- Goal Setting
- Organizing
- Presenting
- Speaking in public
- Speaking to others appropriately
- Good manners
Of course, the younger girls will need a lot more help with their cookie selling than older girls. Nonetheless, all will need to use these skill sets throughout cookie season and throughout their lives.
One of the things I have always been a stickler for in my life is good manners. As a teacher, I try infuse the importance of showing appreciation, using proper language and even proper eating skills. Frequently, I use the example of going on a job interview and having two equally qualified candidates. The interview committee takes each person out to lunch.
Candidate One orders the most expensive item, eats sloppily and with her mouth open, reaches across the table for what she needs, and does not thank the committee for the meal.
Candidate Two orders a lower priced item, chews with her mouth closed and remembers how to use a napkin, politely asks for someone to pass the salt and pepper, remembers to say thank you at the end of the meal and follows up on the lunch interview with a written thank you note as well.
I then ask my students who they think will get the job and why?
They always agree that Candidate Two will get the job because of her use of good manners.

This story ties into selling Girl Scout cookies. Young girls will be very excited, and as their leader, you will have to calm them down and practice sales pitches and how to be polite, even if a person does not buy a box. Your troop represents all of the troops in your area. The impression your girls make is one that people will carry with them.
That is why I love sharing with you the free printable Girl Scout thank you notes that are available for leaders to use.
These resources are a wonderful way for girls to show their appreciation to their customers. From Daisy Scouts to Seniors, it is always best practice to say thank you.
At your next meeting, print out a sample of the various thank you cards. Have your girls vote on which one or two they would like to use. Then go to your nearest copy store and print out what you need, or assign a parent volunteer to do this for you. Tell her to save the receipt so you can reimburse her for the copies.
If you want, your girls can also design a tag of their own that they can have printed for the boxes they sell door-to-door.
Here is a list of resources for you to use:
Free Girl Scout Thank Your Cookie Printables has four kinds of thank you tags for different troop levels.
Girl Scout Cookie Tags has several different printables for you to use.
Double Fun Parties has a variety of thank you notes to download.
More resources can be found here.
Where do you get your free printable Girl Scout thank you cards?