Updated May 2020
Selecting the right bridging gift for your Girl Scout troop is easy. Here are some fun ideas that won’t break the bank.
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It’s that time of year when we look at our troop of girls and wonder where the time has gone. Recently, four of my girls attended an older girl led Rope Runner Derby, and watching the little Daisy Scouts running around with their toothless smiles and pigtails made the other leaders and I smile and remember when our girls were that young.
Now they are tall young women (some taller than us) who were the oldest girls to attend a Council event.
If you are a Junior troop bridging to Cadettes or a Cadette troop bridging to Seniors or a Senior troop bridging to Ambassadors, then you may be considering giving your girls a gift from your co-leader and you to commemorate this occasion.
Image created by the author on Canva
Unlike Daisy or Brownie Scouts, who will be happy with a cute little something that you found on Pinterest, your older girls will probably prefer a little something more substantial.
But substantial does not mean expensive.
As your girls have gotten older, you have also gotten busier. While there are so many adorable things you can craft and create, be honest…do you have time to make them? Stop the guilt! You already have devoted hours and hours of your time and you continue to do so if you are moving up with your girls.
Here are some adorable gift ideas for only a few dollars each. Depending on how many girls are in your troop and how many leaders are splitting the cost, the out of pocket cost to you will be minimal. And as an added bonus, you are saving time-a most precious commodity!
Here are some adorable bridging gift ideas. You can tuck something meaningful inside like a personal note to each girl.
This is a pencil case that can also be used as a makeup bad for a purse as well. There are four different patterns that you can order. Available on Amazon.
Here is a similar kind of pouch that makes a great little gift for girls who are bridging. You can find them here.
This travel pouch is perfect for troops who are going places.
Are you planning on giving your girls a bridging gift?