Out May meeting was very successful as we covered a lot of ground in our 90 minutes together…and it certainly seems to fly by! Eight of our ten girls were present to discuss our fall camping trip and to prepare for it.
Before the meeting started, I waited outside for my girls to arrive with the bag of food they were asked to bring so I could load them into my car. I was so touched that several of our families brought multiple bags to contribute! Even the girls who did not attend brought food over and did the right thing for others in need.
All together, we have fifteen bags of food and seven boxes of Girl Scout cookies that I will be delivering this week.

Roundtable Discussion
After our opening, the leader discussed her camping training that she participated in last month. She also shared that another mom was also getting camping certified, so that we will be all covered for any camping trips!
As I have shared before, we did not go camping when I was the leader as that was not my assigned role. Even though the girls bugged and begged to go, we never did.
Now that we are really going, some of them are having second thoughts! The bugs, missing a sporting activity, sleeping in a tent, the type of food they were going to make and eat…now some of them were getting a bit wary of the whole camping idea. Others were very excited about going. The girls were told that since the campsite is only eight miles from our town, they could come and go to attend a sporting event or not sleep over and rejoin us in the morning.
Time will tell who will go on the trip!
She then discussed the Silver Award, which will be optional. I know that certain girls will not do it, but we have a core group that will.
Building a Campfire
Part of the meeting was having the girls learn how to create a campfire and basic campfire safety. The girls collected tinder, kindling and logs.

Photo by Hannah Gold. All rights reserved.
If you are going to have a campfire, then you are going to have to make S’mores! The girls liked this part of the meeting best of all!

The leader had planned on the girls doing a part of the Amaze Journey, but the girls were having such a great time outdoors that this idea was put on hold.
How are you preparing your girls for your camping trip?