Pressed for time? Here is how to earn more than one Girl Scout Daisy petal during one troop meeting.
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Updated February 2024
Your troop can earn more than one Girl Scout Daisy petal during a single troop meeting. This is important if you find yourself running short of time and have more petals to earn.
Photo from Pixabay
How to Earn Multiple Daisy Petals
There are many activities that you can do to earn more than one Daisy Girl Scout Petal during a single troop meeting. Because Daisy Girl Scouts are in kindergarten and first grade, many troop leaders decide to meet only once a month. Since there are ten Daisy petals and the Promise Center, you may not have enough meetings to finish your flower. If you are a first grade troop, then you only have one year to earn them all as opposed to two.
Be aware that there are some Service Units that do not believe that you should be doing more than one petal at a meeting. While each and every part of the Girl Scout Law needs and deserves it’s own learning activity, the truth is that some troops form late and in order to achieve their goal of earning every petal, they have to combine some of them in order to complete the Daisy.
Daisy Petal Combinations
Many of the Daisy Girl Scout petals are closely related to each other, making it easier to do an activity to earn the petals at the same time. For example, the yellow petal “Friendly and Helpful” can be tied in with the spring green petal “Considerate and Caring”. You can do a community service project like collecting canned goods for a food pantry or collecting old towels, paper towels, and pet toys for an animal shelter.
Other Daisy Girl Scout petals that you can earn at one troop meeting are:
Green “Use Resources Wisely” and Rose “Make the World a Better Place” You can use an old milk carton or soda bottle, make a planter and plant a flower. Transplant the flowers when they are too big for the container.
Orange “Responsible for What I Say and Do” and Purple “Respect Myself and Others” Make a chart of responsibilities for the girls to do at home. They are responsible for their chores and by doing them, they respect themselves and the members of their family. Follow up at the next meeting to see how the chore chart is working.
Rose “Make the World a Better Place” and Violet “Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout” Being kind to others makes the world a nicer place to live in. Being respectful and considerate to all of the Daisy Scouts in your troop make meetings much pleasant for everyone.. You can do a “Secret Sister” activity in the weeks preceding your meeting. Let the big reveal be a part of the meeting and see if the girls guessed who their Secret Sister was.

Image from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva
Want to have a party and earn Daisy petals? In this blog post, which has been updated in May 2019, I share how to have a tea party meeting and earn these three Daisy petals:
Yellow-Friendly and Helpful
Spring Green-Considerate and Caring
Purple-Respect Myself and Others
There are many other ways to earn more than one Daisy Girl Scout petal during one troop meeting. Your co-leader and you can decide together how to do it.
This Book Can Be Used for Multiple Petal Activities
Reading a book is a great way to launch a meeting for your troop. Young children love stories, and you will hold their attention in a quiet manner by starting off this way.
This book can be used for a meeting where you plan on having your troop earn two or more petals.. Being polite and kind can be tied into these petals- “Being a sister to every Girl Scout”, “Friendly and Helpful”, “Considerate and Caring”, “Respect Myself and Others”,and “Responsible for What I Say and Do.”
Three Meetings to Earn Multiple Daisy Petals
Whether your troop got a late start, or if you would like to review what has been covered, these activities are simple and easy to do.
Included in this resource:
- Earn Two Daisy Petals With One Two Liter Bottle (Green and Rose)
- Earn Three Daisy Petals With One Pringles Can (Orange, Yellow, Green)
- Earn Four Daisy Petals With One Girl Scout Cookie Carton (Yellow, Green, Light Green, Rose)
- All printables
- All materials lists
Available on TpT
Building sisterhood in your troop with team building activities can help your troop earn multiple Daisy petals. You can read how to do that here.
What Daisy petal combinations did your troop earn?
thanks, we’ve been looking for such info as this to combine first and second year daisies first graders
I am glad that I could help!
ok i just became a leader this yr and have 3 girls bridging to Brownie this Fall and i want to get the daisy done all the way and so what can i do to accomplish my goal .
Anna, as I stated before, petals do not have to be done in order to be a Girl Scout Brownie. As a teacher for over 30 years, just rushing to get something done is not learning. Over the next few years, the girls will learn to be Courageous and Strong by having new experiences. They will learn to be Considerate and Caring and Friendly and Helpful by doing community service projects. They will learn to Use Resources Wisely when you create crafts from other objects. They will learn to be Responsible for What I Say and Do and to Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout when they are earning badges. Living the Girl Scout Law is not something you do as a Daisy, it is something you do each and every year of scouting. I hope this helps!
how do i complete the daisy flower petals when i have 3 girls bridging to brownie this fall that just joined as scouts in the last month due to not a having a leader, i just became their leader this yr. Is this possible ?
Anna, how wonderful of you to take in three new girls so late in the scouting season! First of all, I need to ask if you are meeting over the summer. If you are, then you have time to work on petals until you officially bridge in the fall. I also do not know how this impacts your troop…are these your only Daisies? Is your troop already established as a one-level Daisy troop? This would make answering your question easier, since your other girls should not have to repeat petals.
That being said, I would not stress over this. You can have the girls do whatever the rest of the troop is doing and make them feel welcome and included so they want to continue. The petals do not have to be completed in order to become a Girl Scout Brownie. Girls join troops as Brownies, never having been a Girl Scout Daisy.