Girl Scout Week 2018 is coming soon! Here are resources for leaders to use for the second Girl Scout holiday of the year.
Updated January 2023
While many leaders are still knee deep in cookie season, the third Girl Scout holiday on the school calendar is fast approaching. There are leaders who skip this all together since just three weeks ago it was Girl Scout Founder’s Day and that was a lot of time and effort. And as mentioned before, many leaders are wrapping up a long, cold and busy cookie season. Adding something new to their already full plate seems overwhelming.
Well, I have good news for all of you busy leaders! With this special occasion around the corner during the week of March 11-18, I have created a list of resources for you to use to make Girl Scout Week 2018 a piece of cake.

Photo from Pexels
Why Should Your Troop Should Participate in Girl Scout Week 2018
Girl Scout Week is all about celebrating the founding of the Girl Scouts of America in 1912. Without Juliette Gordon Low, there would be no Girl Scout organization! This book has many photographs of “Daisy” when she was a young girl, and can open up a great discussion about how girlhood was different back in the 1860’s. It does not go into detail about her marital problems, just that her husband died. Simple, easy to read and perfect for younger Girl Scouts!
Recognizing that we are a special group of girls with a common bond is one reason to celebrate. There are activities each child can do to highlight the importance of scouting and how it helps their local and global community.
My local Service Team has made a concerted effort over the past few years to get our Council’s Girl Scout troops involved in this celebration. Troops can choose to participate, and most do. Each troop makes a poster about why being a Girl Scout is a great thing. In the past when they were younger, my troop has made posters that feature them on various trips and doing different activities.

Photo from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva
In class, girl who want to share what their favorite part of scouting is. Since we do not sell cookies, the children in my troop share other things, like the service projects we do, the trips we have been on and the badges that we have earned.
Girls who are still scouting can also have their name announced during morning announcements. Up until seventh grade, my girls enjoyed their five minutes of fame, especially since their principal was a Gold Award earner and she was proud to have older scouts in the building. However, by eighth grade, the girls passed on this honor.
Much of what Girl Scout Week is about is doing good for others, and many of the activities are done outside of your regular meeting time. You can provide one activity to check off the chart during your next meeting, helping girls who want to participate.
Resources for Girl Scout Week 2018
The list of activities is the same updated one as the NYPENN Pathways Council, but scroll down for a brief biography of Juliette Gordon Low, songs and recipes from the past, as well as service project ideas and more. Junior Girl Scouts can earn the Playing the Past badge from the Amuse Journey by doing these activities (and you do not have to do the Journey to earn the badge!)
Here is another opportunity to double dip-celebrate Girl Scout Week 2018 AND earn the Girl Scout Brownie or Girl Scout Junior Girl Scout Way badge. On the GSUSA blog, they have a list of traditions for girls to do.
What is your troop doing for Girl Scout Week 2018?