Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

10 Girl Scout Bronze Award Ideas for Juniors

10 Girl Scout Bronze Award Ideas for Juniors

Updated February 2025

One of the biggest undertakings a Girl Scout Junior leader has is guiding her girls to earn the Bronze Award. In this blog post from three years ago, I shared different ideas that I had found on how to earn the Girl Scout Bronze Award. Included are the steps my own troop took to earn this prestigious award when they were fifth graders.

Time has passed and decided to “scout out” some more ideas for leaders who are looking into having their Girl Scout Juniors earn the Bronze Award.

10 Girl Scout Bronze Award Ideas

Photo created on Canva

Girl Scout Bronze Award Guidelines

Here are the official GSUSA Bronze Award Guidelines for the girls in your troop to follow. This 14 page booklet can be printed out and you can give each girl interested a copy. Or you can email the link to the parents and hope they read it (made you laugh!)

You will also need to check out your Council’s website for other forms and information each girl needs. There is a log for hours and a sheet of questions to fill out. I remember having to email documents to our Council in order for them to give each girl a Bronze Award pin.

Girl Scout Bronze Award Ideas

Animal Helpers See how this Girl Scout Junior troop earned their Bronze Award helping animals.

Retiring Flags  A troop learns how to properly retire flags that can no longer be flown.

Wild Horse Rescue  A Junior troop learns about a wild horse rescue and shares their knowledge with their community.

Community Garden  A Junior troop and an Eagle Scout pair up to create a community garden.

Outdoor Skills Day  Older girls organized a day of skill building for younger troops.

Sensory Resource Kits  Creating travel sensory bags for students with special needs is how this troop earned their Bronze Award.

Pajama Collection  This Girl Scout troop, which is located in Okinawa, Japan, collected pajamas for children who needed them.

Repainting a Helicopter Pad  The Juniors of Troop 8306 cleaned, power washed and repainted the helicopter pad located at the CRVFD Station 1.

Collect Footwear  This Junior troop collected all kinds of footwear to be donated to Shoe Away Hunger.

Comfort Kits   Because all of the girls knew someone who had been affected by cancer, this troop decided to create comfort kits to cancer patients at the Central Cancer Center.

What is your troop doing for its Bronze Award? If you’d like to guest post and share, please let me know!

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