Learn how to earn all four Girl Scout Daisy Financial leaves with these easy to follow meeting plans.
Updated January 2023
UPDATE: The Daisy Financial Leaves have been discontinued and replaced with badges. You can still earn the leaves; the issue for you will be tracking them down and getting enough for all of your girls. If you are interested in earning the badges, please visit my TpT shop. I have meeting plans for all of the new badges, sold separately or in bundles. You can read all about them in this blog post on my Daisy Activities blog.
Anyone who has read my blog for any amount of time knows that I am not a fan of having first year Girl Scout Daisy leaders sell cookies. Many times leaders have only had a meeting or two and then they feel like they have to sell cookies. They barely know the girls in their troop and the girls are not familiar with the Girl Scout Law, Promise, or the goals of the organization. They have not earned all their petals and probably have not done any community service projects.
Leaders forget that selling cookies is voluntary. In fact, it was only in the past decade or so that Girl Scout Daisies could sell cookies. When scouting levels were assigned differently, Daisies were only for one year, and that was when the girls were in kindergarten. The goal of that first year was to get the girls to know about Girl Scouts and to give their leaders a year to learn how to lead without the distraction of fundraising.

Now it seems that the bulk of the scouting year is dedicated to cookies.
With all that being said, if you are a Daisy leader who is selling cookies with her troop, there are Financial Literacy leaves the girls can earn that go on the front of the vest. These leaf earning activities will take the place of earning petals during cookie season.
All of the articles appear on my Daisy Activities site and have been updated with all the latest information.
How to Earn the Girl Scout Daisy Money Counts Leaf

Image created on Canva
The first Girl Scout Daisy Financial Leaf your girls should learn is the Money Counts Leaf. Unlike my Wonder Years childhood of the 1970’s, where a candy bar cost anywhere between 10-15 cents and a pack of Partridge Family cards or Wacky Pack stickers cost 7 cents, kids today are not exposed to change like I was. Most parents use credit and debit cards and not cash.
There are three activities for this meeting:
- Understand about different coins
- Know More About paper Money
- Find Out the Cost of Fun
This meeting plan for teaching the girls about money in a fun way, not a school way, can be found here.
How to Earn the Girl Scout Daisy Talk It Up Leaf

Photo By Dsafdy (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons and altered by the author on Canva
The Girl Scout Daisy Talk It Up Leaf has three activities for the girls to do to earn this leaf. They are:
- Decide how to use money
- Talk about how to use money to help others
- Inspire your customers
You can find the complete meeting plans here.
How to Earn the Girl Scout Daisy Making Choices Leaf

Photo from Pixabay and altered by the author in Canva
This leaf is all about teaching the girls the difference between needs and wants. The three activities for earning this leaf are:
- Find Out the Difference Between Needs Versus Wants
2. Try Setting a Goal and Saving for What You Want
3. Help Others With What They Need and Want
You can find the meeting plans for the Girl Scout Daisy Making Choices here.
How to Earn the Girl Scout Daisy Count It Up Leaf

Image from Pixabay and altered by the author on Canva
This leaf is all about the kinds of cookies the girls will be selling. Depending on who your baker is, the names can be different. The three activities for earning this leaf are:
1. Find Out What Cookies Cost
2. Learn About the Different Kinds of Cookies
3. Set Sales Goals
You can find the meeting plans for this leaf here.
Earning these Girl Scout Daisy Financial leaves will help make planning your cookie season meetings easier.
Have you done any fun activities to earn any of these leaves?