Updated January 2023
*Note-There were 10 when this originally posted. Many Council sites delete pages after one year. The remaining links work.
It seems like you just finished celebrating World Thinking Day…because you did! Even though many of you are very busy with cookie season, there is another Girl Scout holiday that is just around the corner. It is called Girl Scout Week.
Last year, I wrote a detailed post about the holiday and why troops should be celebrating it. You can read it here.
What is Girl Scout Week?
In a nutshell, Girl Scout Week celebrates the founding of the Girl Scouts. Juliette Gordon Low registered the first 18 girls into what would become the nationwide organization we are participating in today. Starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes Girl Scouts’ birthday, March 12. Many synagogues and churches dedicate a part of their service during this weekend to highlight the girls and give them recognition.

When my troop was younger, we always celebrated this week by doing activities as a troop and optionally, at home. For Girl Scout Week 2019, here is a list of resources leaders can use to help them with this important holiday.
This year, Girl Scout Week 2019 is from March 10-March 16.
Girl Scout Week 2019 Resources
One thing new leaders need to remember is that these resources are a guide. Always do what works for your troop and for you. You can combine different activities from these lists or make up your own. You can also check your Council website to see if there are any activities your troop can participate in.
If you are having the girls in your troop do activities on their own, please do not stress of get upset if a child does not do this outside of meeting activity. It is not personal…kindergarten and first graders have no control over what their parents will or will not do with them or for them.
Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona has their own list of things that troops can do on their own or individually.
Girl Scout Troop 1584 Do not pay attention to the date…this link is to provide you with an idea of what you can make for your girls if you choose to. My suggestion is to give 2-3 options for each day.
Girl Scouts of Silver Sage have a three page document with tons of activity choices. Daisy Scouts need to complete 1 activity each for Discover, Connect and Take Action, plus 1 more from your choice of categories.
What is your troop doing to celebrate Girl Scout Week 2019?