If you like to save your troop funds for important things, here is a great offer to buy your meeting supplies and any size order has free shipping!
*This post contains affiliate links.
Let’s face it, shopping online is convenient. For me, I knew that life became overly busy when I ordered dishwasher tabs online because I simply did not have the time to get to the store and buy them. Ordering small items online becomes easy when free shipping is offered by the retailer.
As Girl Scout leaders, you are busy! There is no need to preach that to you. One of the reasons I rarely went to the Girl Scout store (and told parents if they lost a badge or a patch, then they had to replace it), is that while it was about 15 minutes from my house, it was not in the circle of places I frequented. I had to go out of my way to get there. Ordering online from the Girl Scout Shop costs serious money for shipping, so I did not do that at all. Now, if free shipping had been offered, that would have been a lifesaver!

Image created on Canva
I am sure that if you spend any time online shopping, you are looking for free shipping codes or very carefully try to get your order to the minimal price to get free shipping. For me, it is frustrating to want to get one item and then find out that shipping is almost as much as the item itself!
But now you do not have to do that!
Discount School Supply now has FREE SHIPPING on any order, any size! Just use the code BTSFREE at the time of purchase. Best of all, they have an incredible amount of crafting supplies at great prices, and a huge selection of clearance items as well.
There are STEM activities and an entire section with ideas that you can use.
If you meet over the summer or want to use your troop resource wisely, head on over Discount School Supply and save!