Is your troop of older girls getting cliquish? Are mean girl dynamics seeping in? Here are 60 ways for your older girls to do acts of kindness for each other and for the community at large.
Updated July 2022
Let’s face it, leading a troop of older girls is challenging in a much different way than leading the younger ones. While games, crafts, and stories held their attention at meetings, it is a whole other ball game for older girls. On top of trying to wow them at your meetings, you have relational aggression (mean girl syndrome) seeping to the top.

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For girls who have lasted this long in Girl Scouts, you would think that being an older scout would bond them together. But this is not necessarily the case (you can read about what happened in my troop in this blog post. The other leader and I were not upset about the decline in numbers, as the girls who left had outgrown scouts and were acting up. We were fine with our smaller troop of girls who wanted to be there.
Building community with your older girls is important, especially if you see drama starting to develop. I found a freebie for you on Teachers Pay Teachers that will help build this skill with your troop.
You can find 60 Free Ways for Teens to Show Acts of Kindness here.