Updated January 2024
There are many resources and activities for leaders to use for Girl Scout Week 2020, which takes place on March 12th. It is the birthday of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
When is Girl Scout Week 2020?
This year, it is celebrated Sunday, March 8 to Saturday, March 14

Image created by the author in Canva
Facts About Girl Scout Week
The Girl Scouts of the USA is based on the Girl Guides that were in England at that time, a scouting activity for girls. After living in England for many years and trying to find a purpose in her life after the death of her husband, Juliette Gordon Low donated her time to the Girl Guide organization and was encouraged by it’s founders to give it a go in the United States.
The only rule for Girl Scout Week is that it must fall during the period of March 12th. Otherwise, leaders are free to have their girls do whatever they want to celebrate.
Many churches and synagogues around the country hold a special service to honor Girl Scouts. The girls can earn a Sabbath or Shabbat patch for attending. Clergy often give a special blessing to scouts who are in attendance.
When my girls were in elementary school, one way my troop showed its Girl Scout pride was to wear their vests to school for the entire week. We always offered our services to the teachers and staff at our school. Fortunately for us, our principal earned her Girl Scout Gold Award, so she was very supportive of our efforts in making the world a better place!

Image created by the author in Canva
In March of 2012, for the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts, we had a successful canned food drive in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts and collected over 2,000 cans and boxes of food for a local food pantry.
When my girls were in middle school, they wore their uniform on the designated day to wear them that was organized by our Service Unit.
Girl Scout Week is a Fun Optional Activity
During the elementary and middle school years, my girls did actively celebrate Girl Scout Week. I handed out an activity sheet to be completed, and those that handed it in by the deadline received a Girl Scout Week patch. My deadlines were firm, as they were given to me by my Service Unit. They are the ones who gave us the patches.

I also felt that this was an easy way for parents to participate in Girl Scouts with their daughters, as it was a low investment of time. Oftentimes, I read about leaders wishing their families were more involved with scouts. Almost all of my girls earned this patch. If they did not, I did not think twice about it as that was a parental choice.
*Please note…If a girl is not religious and does not attend a Girl Scout service at a house of worship, that is fine. She can do a different activity for that day.
Girl Scout Week 2020 Activities and Resources for Leaders
I went back to my previous blog posts about Girl Scout Week activities and updated them. The links in each post are still viable. As always, ignore the date on the charts and sites I have linked to. The activities are all that matter and are still very useful!
If you want, you can combine the best of what you see and create your own Girl Scout Week 2020 activities guide.
10 Free Leader Resources for Girl Scout Week 2019
Girl Scout Week 2018 Activities and Resources
Other Online Resources
Girl Scout Week: How to Be a G.I.R.L. Every Day! This Girl Scouts of the USA blog post from 2018 has an outline of general ideas your girls can do each day. You can make up your own idea list using the themes as a guide.
Celebrate Girl Scout Week: 7 Days of Awesome This is a 2019 blog post from the national Girl Scout website. These are very simple activities any girl can do.
Girl Scouts of Middle Tennessee Your Council website has activities for Girl Scout Week. This is one example of what was available in 2019.
Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles This is their 2019 guide.
Girl Scouts of the White and Green Mountains Here is their 2020 guide to celebrating.
Check out this blog post with even more Girl Scout Week 2020 ideas.
Join the Facebook Group “Girl Scout Leader Chat” and on a January 23, 2019 post, a leader shares her Girl Scout Week Google Doc that you can edit and make your own. There is also a February 28, 2019 post with a simple guide to Girl Scout Week activities that any girl can do, and a March 5th post with even more ideas.
I am a fan of the checklist of ideas that girls can do to earn the badge. Some days are busier than other for families, and as long as the girl does seven different things, she earns the patch!
What is your troop doing for Girl Scout Week 2020?