Are you looking for some fun activities for Back to Troop? Here is a fun and free activity for your girls to do!
Back to Troop is a busy time for leaders. School is starting, sports and activities are in gear (if your part of the country is permitted to do this), and your girls may not have seen each other in person for months. You might even have a new girl or two who has joined, and the other girls need to get to know them.
Here is a fun and free activity from Teachers Pay Teachers. It is free to open an account, and you will find many wonderful activities for free and for very low cost.
To ensure that you are doing this safely, give each girl her own paper bag wth her own colored craft sticks.

If you are searching for more Back to Troop ideas, you can find them in these blog posts.
What activities are you planning on doing for Back to Troop?