Here are some fresh and fun Thanksgiving crafts and games ideas that will make your Thanksgiving themed Girl Scout meeting more fun, whether you are in person or are meeting virtually.
Updated November 2022
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I find it necessary to update this post, as many troops across the country are now meeting virtually. All links work.
With the weather getting colder in most parts of the country, leaders who have been able to meet in person with their troop may now finding themselves working virtually. There is, of course, a huge difference in the way the two are conducted. It is far easier to keep the girls’ attention when you are meeting in person. With the Thanksgiving holiday season right around the corner, here are some fun things you can do to liven up your in person or virtual meetings.

Before Your Meeting
Before your meeting, give the parents a RSVP date because you need to order items. No RSVP, no fun bag for the meeting. This needs to be made clear to the parents, as I have read on several Facebook posts in various Girl Scout troops that leaders are spending time and money and girls are not showing up or logging in. That depletes your time, your enthusiasm, and your troop bank account.
After you have received your RSVPs for the meeting, put all of the items you will be using in a bag and labeled for each girl. By doing it this way, the girls get what they get and there no complaining should be tolerated because it is handed out randomly. Parents can do porch pick up for the items.
Thanksgiving Sunglasses
This set includes three designs with three of each. They are made of durable cardboard. What a hoot these would be on your virtual or in person meeting!
Turkey Headbands
These headbands will transform your troop into a bunch of turkeys! This set comes with eight headbands.
Turkey Wreaths
These come in a 12 pack.
Thanksgiving Bingo
In your bag, place 1 or 2 Bingo cards for each girl. You can add candy corn for markers as you call each game.
Make Thanksgiving Cards
You can arrange with a local nursing home to deliver Thanksgiving cards your troop made. Use sturdy cardstock so they can stand alone. Use these fall foam stickers to make them pop. Children can write a message on the inside of their card and sign, for safety reasons, only their first name.
Make a Fall Necklace
Another fun activity that can be done in person or virtually is to have your girls create a fall necklace. Provide the elastic in the bag as well as the beads.
A Fun Game to Play
Do you need a time filler or something to do while you are waiting for the other girls to show up? Here are 50 Thanksgiving Would You Rather questions for kids.
What are you planning for your Thanksgiving meeting?