These hard to find Girl Scout Vinyl car decals will show your scouting pride everywhere you drive.
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Through the years, I have had many bumper stickers and decals on my cars. As a teen in the 80’s I proudly displayed my Go-Go’s and Billy Joel bumper stickers. As I discovered heavy metal in college, Bon Jovi, Cinderella and Poison all covered the bumpers of my 1982 Chevy Caprice Classic.
As a young mom in the 1990’s, I had my “Baby on Board” sign. As I became invovled in PTA and synagogue life in the 2000’s, magnets and decals from these places also found a place on my vechicle.

Another fun decal that I discovered were these Girl Scout Vinyl car decals. I was able to buy the Cadette/Senior/Ambassador one when they came out, as that was the one that reflected the level my daughter was in.
Whatever level your daughter is in, there is a Girl Scout vinyl car decal for you! There is even one for moms and dads as well.
You can find all of these decals and more in my Etsy Shop, Simply Scouts.