It is that time of year when leaders are starting to think about their troops’ Girl Scout bridging ceremony. This guide will lead you to resources for all levels, from Bridging to Brownies to Bridging to Adult.
Updated May 2023
For an updated 2023 Girl Scout Bridging Guide, please see the 2023 Bridging Guide blog post.
If you are interested in giving your girls a gift, you can find blog posts with ideas on what to give here.
In my last post, The 2021 Girl Scout Bridging Guide, I shared how leaders can safely conduct a Girl Scout bridging ceremony during the pandemic. Our girls have lost out on so much this past year, and the ability to host a bridging ceremony, no matter how different it may look than ones held in years past, is more important now than ever before. A return to normalcy is what all of us, both children and adults, yearn for.
Instead of spending hours researching, I am writing this post to lead you to the information you need in order to host a bridging ceremony for your troop’s level. All of the blog posts linked here have been updated, with broken links removed and new links added to give you a variety of choices while planning your Girl Scout milestone.
Daisy to Brownie Girl Scout Bridging Guide

This is a brand new blog post written just for this incredibly different year. Most Daisy leaders have never created a Girl Scout bridging ceremony before, and now they have to due it during a pandemic. You can read how to create a meaningful ceremony with this Daisy to Brownie Girl Scout bridging guide.
Brownie to Junior Girl Scout Bridging Guide
This newly updated post on Brownie to Junior Girl Scout bridging has my easy breezy bridging ceremony plus resources for others.
Junior to Cadette Girl Scout Bridging Guide
In the Girl Scout Junior to Cadette bridging ceremony guide, there are new links to help leaders with their bridging. This resource also includes a poem about the Silver Key, a quick and easy gift to give your troop. Here is how to make yours.
Cadette to Senior Girl Scout Bridging Guide
This Cadette to Senior Girl Scout bridging guide also has several resources for you to plan your Step up to Senior ceremony.
Senior to Ambassador Bridging Ceremony
In this blog post, I share all of the latest resources available for older troops bridging from Girl Scout Senior to Ambassador.
Girl Scout Bridge to Adult Guide
Finally, if your Council is not holding a Girl Scout Bridge to Adult ceremony, then here are some ideas for you to do with your troop.
What will you be doing for your Girl Scout bridging ceremony this year?