With the upcoming summer games, here are 30 fun ideas for an Olympic themed Girl Scout meeting.
Updated April 2024
*This post contains affiliate links.
The end of the scouting year is fast approaching, and if you do not meet over the summer months, you will want to end the year on a high note. A party is just what you need to have to celebrate your accomplishments (you did it!) as a troop…especially this year!
If you do plan on a big end-of-year bash, make sure that you have enough volunteers lined up to make it a success. A SignUp Genius is a great way to attract volunteers. With the postponed 2020 (now 2021) Summer Olympics just around the corner, why not host an Olympic themed event for your troop.

If you are meeting during the summer, you can host one, or even two Olympic themed Girl Scout meetings.
Olympics Themed Girl Scout Meeting
This summer Olympics will be held in Paris, France. You can combine the fun of the Olympic games and the culture of France.
Since the girls are going to be very active, make sure they come dressed appropriately with shorts, short sleeved shirts, hair tied back and lots sunscreen. If you plan on having any water games, have the girls wear a bathing suit under their clothing and a towel to dry off.
Opening Ceremony
Have the girls stand in a line as you or your co-leader runs to them with the Official Olympic themed music and an Olympic torch. Pass the torch down the line and at the end, the last girl will pretend to “light” the official fire. This fire can double as a table centerpiece for the party. You can find Paper Torches Available on Amazon.
You can give each girl her own inflatable torch to run. It makes a fun souvenir of this momentous meeting.

Inflatable Torches 12 Pack Available on Oriental Trading
Tablescape for Your Olympic Themed Meeting
The table you set up for snacks will help set the mood for your troop Olympics. Pick red tablecloth for the base, and add Olympic themed items, like plates and napkins.
Available at Oriental Trading
Games to Play at Your Girl Scout Olympic Themed Meeting
Here is where the fun starts! Your co-leader and you will need to overplan the games to ensure that you do not run out of ideas. These games do not have to be complicated-quite the opposite. Make them fun and simple to execute so everyone will have a great time! You will need at least two teams for each game.
Here are some fun games for your Olympic themed Girl Scout meeting.
Water Relay RacesĀ and Games
Since the weather is warm, why not have some water races? Have a bucket fill with water on one side and the girls have to use a measuring cup to scoop out the water, pass it down the line, and fill another bucket at the end of the line.
Another play on this idea is to use a very large sponge to soak up water and then wring out on the other side. The girl who wrings it out runs to the front of the line to put the sponge in the bucket to soak up the water.
486 Water Balloons Available at Oriental Trading
A third game is to have the girls race with water balloons in their hands. They have to toss it to the next person in line once the race is complete. If the balloon drops, give the girl another one.
Want to make the relay race interesting? Pop a small hole in the balloon before each girl runs. She has to fill a pail at the other end with whatever water does not leak out. Repeat until you have a winning team.
For some old fashioned fun, divide the girls in to pairs/teams and have them do a water balloon toss. a water balloon toss.
Pool Noodle Games and Races
Pool noodles are cheap and plentiful this time of year.
Cut pool noodles in half and make into circles. Scatter the circles across the field, enough for two teams. Have the girls race through the circles.
Pool noodles can be used as sticks. Blow up large balloons and have them race across the field batting the balloon, turn around, and bat the balloon to the next person. A variation is to have a box or laundry basket laying on its side. The girls race from one end of the field to the other, bat the balloon into the basket, and then run back to their team with the noodle. The next girl gets her own balloon to get into the basket or box.
Bend pool noodles into arches. Girls can crawl through them as a race.
Hula Hoop Games
You will need a timer for each leader. Give one girl on each team a hula hoop and time her. Record the time. The team with the biggest amount of time actively using the hula hoop is the winner.
Line up Hula Hoops in a staggered line. Girls have to race through the hoops to the other side.
Give each team a hula hoop. One at a time, the girl has to roll the hula hoop to the other side and back. Then she passes the hoop to the next girl in line. If you want to make it more challenging for older girls, when she gets to the first side, have her put the hula hoop around her waist and spin it five times. Then she can roll it back to the other side.
Use the hula hoop as a jump rope and see how fast a girl can jump 10-20-30 times or more. Or have the girls race using the hoops as a jump rope.
Place hula hoops on the ground girls at various distances. Each distance is worth a different amount of points. Each girl gets five bean bags to toss. Add up her score. The team with the most points wins that competition. Find a 16 Pack of Bean Bags on Amazon.
Ball and Throwing Games
Some of the Olympic games for Track and Field are based on throwing (javelin, discus). Why not do a few of your own for some games to show a girl’s personal best?
You can toss a frisbee or a ball of any size. Place markers or measure where it lands. If the girls enjoy soccer, you can do some kicking games as well.
Ring Toss is a classic game for your troop to play.
Horseshoes is another fun old school game that is easy to play. Ring toss is also fun to play.
Human ring toss-purchase 6-8 adult size pool rings and inflate them. One person from each team is the ‘stake”. One at a time, a girl flings one inflated pool ring onto the girl. The team that wins is the one who gets all 3 or 4 on the “stake”. The child who is having the inflatables tossed on her can move to try to get it on.
S’mores Minute to Win It Games
Nothing is more Girl Scouty than S’mores!
You can do a S’mores stacking game, Minute to Win it Style. Give each girl the ingredients to make S’mores…she just has to stack it as high as she can in one minute (graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow, graham cracker and then repeat). Each girl gets a turn to do this. The team with the person who stacked it the highest wins.
An easier variation is to do an old fashioned marshmallow stacking contest. The team who has the person who stacked it the highest at the end on one minute wins.
How about a S’mores toss? Girls have to toss the ingredients into a bucket in one minute. You can use marshmallows and/or wrapped mini chocolate bars. Graham crackers can be used as well, it just may be messier to clean up. And you know the Girl Scout motto, “Leave no trace”. Want to make this more challenging? Use mini marshmallows!
Awards Ceremony for Your Olympic Themed Meeting
Because this Olympic Themed Girl Scout meeting is all in good fun, you are going to want to give each girl a medal, regardless if her team won or lost. Oriental Trading has many different kinds of medals , from all alike to placement to emoji!
Available at Oriental Trading
Hand each girl a medal and then play the National Anthem like they do on television.
Food to Serve
Try French Treats!
You can buy French pastries and breads, and you can also give French sweets as prizes and gifts.
Start With Cellophane Bags
These are 8 x 12 size and have 50 in the package. They are Available on Amazon.
Ready Made Olympic Themed Goody Bags
If you have a troop of younger girls, this ready made Olympic themed goody bag is just what you need.
12 Olympic Themed Goody Bags from Oriental Trading
Are you planning an Olympic themed Girl Scout meeting this spring or summer?