Are you a brand new Girl Scout Daisy leader or know someone who is? My Girl Scout Daisy Start Up Kit is just what she needs to get ready for her first meeting.
*This post contains affiliate links.
Summer time has always been a down time for me with my real world jobs and an up time for my onine writing. I am fortuante enough to work in a profession that is family friendly. It is also writer friendly as well. With my older daughter flown and my younger two busy with jobs, college and cosemtology school, I have more quiet time to myself. I especially enjoy my mornings writing in my shady backyard, or when the weather is not cooperative, writing in my sunroom.
This quiet time has given me the opportunity to work on my newest venture, my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Simply Scouts.

Starting Something New
I felt like a brand new blogger all over again as I learned the ropes of Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT). When I launched this blog in January of 2010, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. It was only over time that I learned. And when I migrated this blog from Blogger to WordPress, it was once again starting over.
This past December, I started watching one YouTube video after another on how TpT works, taking notes in my sprial notebook, and then trying out what I saw on my laptop over and over again. Trust me, it was frustrating, especially the technical aspects of Google Slides and learning how to “flatten” a product. As a preschool teacher, technology is not a part of my classroom. In my role as a Hebrew School teacher, we had limited technology use before Covid hit. We became experts in March 2020.
Because leaders were meeting virtually, I developed a “Would You Rather” game that they could use that way. In addition, I created a free World Thinking Day Planner for their personal use and a Word Search that could be put in meeting bags with other materials.
I cannot tell you how long it took me to figuure all of that out.
I am incredibly grateful to all of the TpT YouTubers who taught me how to open up my shop, create a product, and then upload it. Without them, there would be no shop!
The Genesis of the Girl Scout Daisy Start Up Kit
We all get comfortable doing things we know how to do. I have been teaching since 1987, and I can walk into any classroom and teach a lesson. It is second nature to me. I led my daughter’s troop for 13 years, so if I was going to start a new Kindergarten Daisy troop, I could do it.
And as I just decribed in the previous paragraphs, I needed to learn a whole new skill set to start my Teachers Pay Teachers store. I had plenty of help from other Teacher/Authors who have videos and blog posts and materials on TpT for me to download. By no means am I am expert yet! There is still so much to learn and I am happy to master each aspect of TpT one product at a time.
Being a TpT newbie taught me how important it is to have a hand up and step-by-step guides to get started, especially to someone who had not taught with all of this new technology. It made me think about all the new leaders who will be joining the ranks this summer and fall. What is out there to guide them?
The Girl Scout Daisy Start Up Kit is Born

It took me a long time to create the Girl Scout Daisy Starter Kit, and not just beacause of the technology! I would create, edit, and then add more content. I would put it aside for a few days, and look at it again with fresh eyes and a refreshed brain. I added more content. Finally it was finished!
What is in the Girl Scout Daisy Start Up Kit?
This Girl Scout Daisy Leader Start Up Kit has everything you need to prepare for your first meeting with your troop. There are 17 pages to help you get everything together before you meet with your girls.
Included in this kit:
Preparation Before Your First Meeting Materials
First Daisy Meeting Checklist
Meeting With Your Co-Leader Checklist
10 Essential New Leader Tips
An Easy to Follow Meeting Routine

A start to finish plan for your very first Girl Scout Daisy meeting that includes:
Name tags
Three Getting to Know You Games
Two craft choices
Craft templates
Materials list
BONUS Coloring Page
The Girl Scout Daisy Start Up Kit will be available this month. You can follow me on TpT to find out when it is available, as well as stay in the loop as to when new products are added. I will also, of course, announce it here on my blog.