Whether you are looking for guides for leading your troop or communicating with your co-leader, everything in my store is on sale at 25% off during the Teachers Pay Teachers Bonus Sale.
Because back to School happens during both the month of August and September, Teachers Pay Teachers offers a Bonus Sale for those whose school calendars start after Labor Day.
I have created new products in my shop during the month of August to help leaders, and these, as well as everything else in my store, is on sale.
You can view everything on sale here.
Be sure to follow me on TpT to get notified when my new products are added.
What Are the New Products
The Guide for Leading Older Girls
I spent the bulk of my time this month writing Working WIth Older Girl Scouts, the Guide for Leading Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors. This guide is to help retain your girls for the long run and is based on my experience as a leader, with additional advice from other leaders.
Fun Game For Girl Scouts of All Levels
In this category game, Fun Game for Girl Scouts of All Levels, there are 8 lists with 10 categories on each list to play. Four lists are Girl Scout specific and four are general lists. This can be played for years.

I added two free items in my store.
The Girl Scout Leader and Co-Leader Checklist for Back to Troop
Girl Scout Daisy Poem for Investiture and Rededication Ceremonies