It’s that time of year when many troops focus on those in need. Here are some 9 easy Thanksgiving community service projects that can fit into your November schedule.
While many organizations typically have food drives to help feed those who may otherwise go hungry, there are other community service projects that can help young people make a difference in the lives of others.
Donate Halloween Candy to Our Troops
One easy Thanksgiving community service project idea is to donate leftover Halloween candy. This is an actual project that my own children did every year while they were in elementary school.
Candy will be collected right after Halloween and stored in a central location with each teacher’s class having their own separate bag. One afternoon in November PTA volunteers will come in to each classroom with white paper bags and ribbon. The children will decorate the bags with magic markers and fill each one with candy. The bag will be hole punched at the top and tied with a festive ribbon.
Each classroom has a carton in which to put the bags. Volunteers will take these cartons to one of our local organizations that mails packages to our troops on a regular basis.
Donate Candy to Ronald McDonald House
Families who are living at a Ronald McDonald House have a lot on their minds caring for their sick child. Your troop can collect their leftover Halloween candy to this organization. They can make cards to go along with their donation. This is a project my synagogue does every year.
Collect Paper Goods and Personal Care Items
Another service project idea for Girl Scouts is to collect essential paper products for those in need. While food banks give nutrition that sustains, people also have other basic needs. We may take for granted something as simple as toilet paper, but those on a fixed income have to figure out how to pay for this most essential item.

These are two of the many baskets my troop has made over the years.
In order to feel good about yourself no matter what your economic situation is, you need to take care of your personal hygiene. For this project, your troop can give a presentation at your November Service Unit meeting. They can assign each level of scouts an item to bring in to the December meeting. For example, Daisies can collect shampoo and conditioner, Brownies can collect body wash and bars of soap, Juniors can collect deodorant for men and women, Cadettes can collect razors and Seniors and Ambassadors can collect feminine hygiene products.
For one of your December meetings, you can make them into pretty gift baskets.
Gently Used Coat Drive
If you live in a climate with cold weather, you know the importance of having a coat that keeps you warm from the harsh winter weather. For lower income people, having a warm coat may not be possible, especially for their children.
An easy community service project idea is to collect gently used or even brand-new coats. If the school is going to do this project, the collection is easy to organize. Simply provide cartons and label them with different sizes and different genders. Once the cartons or full, they are already sorted and ready to be delivered to the chosen organization. If you know a teacher who works in a disadvantaged area, s/he can tell you what is needed.
New Hat, Gloves, Scarf and Sock Drive
New hats, gloves, scarves and socks are easy to collect and anyone can contribute to this essential clothing drive. Stores everywhere have these items for just a few dollars. Once again each classroom can have its own carton for depositing the donations. When the accessory drive is over, PTA volunteers can deliver it where it is most needed.
Pajama and Slipper Drive
At the end of the long day, there is nothing more comfortable than slipping into a warm pair of pajamas and putting your feet into a pair of cozy slippers. Once again, those who have plenty may take for granted something as simple as a pair of warm pajamas.
For this Thanksgiving community service project, schools, Girl Scouts, and youth groups can have an open bin in a central area where pajama and slipper donations can be made.
Collect Items for Animal Shelters
Children love animals. Families consider their pets to be as important as their children. Every community has animal shelters full of unwanted pets that need to be taken care of until they can find a home. Many of the shelters depend upon donations from the community to keep themselves open.
This service idea for Thanksgiving has children collecting items that the local shelter needs. simply call your local shelter or visit their website and find out what they need. Create a list and send home with the children.
My troop did this as their Bronze Award project. You can read about it in this Amuse Journey Bronze Award blog post.
Diaper and Formula Drive
For people on a fixed income, diapers for their babies and formula for those are not nursing can cost a small fortune. A community diaper and formula drive to help those in need is truly a wonderful thing to do for families with young children.
Because these are higher end items, you may not receive many donations. If this is the case, ask each child in the school could bring one to three dollars, so volunteers can go out and purchase these items to donate. Coupons for diapers and formula can also be donated to help defray the cost.
Donate Time to a Senior Center
Here is an idea that can actually be done year-round. Organizations can adopt a local senior center to visit at special times of year. Children can play games, do crafts, give a presentation or play, or simply sit and talk with older people who may not otherwise have a visitor. With so many families having relatives scattered across the country, many children only see their grandparents a few times a year. Children can adopt a grandparent and forge a special relationship that will be cherished.
For a full list of ideas for this service project, you can read this blog post about activities to do while visiting a nursing home.
These Thanksgiving community service project ideas for schools, Girl Scouts, and youth groups can give new meaning to the holiday. By shifting the focus off of ourselves in helping those who need it most, we show our children the true meaning of what it is to be thankful.
What is your troop doing for Thanksgiving Community Service project?