This free Girl Scout Print and Go Silly Sentences activity will keep your troop busy at the start or end of your meeting.
Every good leader has a few tricks up her sleeve to keep her girls busy throughout their meeting time. This free Girl Scout Silly Sentences page is fun for girls to do in a large group or a small group. For younger scouts, leaders can read the page aloud. Older girls can do it in pairs or triads. What fun to hear the stories when they are completed!
This product is timely as it is a camping theme.

Available on Teachers Pay Teachers
This Silly Sentence page can be found in the Girl Scout Activity Book for Brownies and Juniors. It is just one of many fun sponge or end of meeting activities that leaders can have prepped and ready to use. This will save leaders time searching for an activity to have on hand for early finishers.
What do you do for those last few minutes of your meeting?