Here are four free Girl Scout Cookie thank you printables for your troop to use.
Updated February 2025
Cookie sales are in full swing across many parts of the country. One way to jazz up your cookie boxes and bags is to use these four free Girl Scout cookie box tags to thank your customers.
There are four designs, including:
One for Daisy Scouts
One for Brownie Scouts
One for Junior Scouts
One multi-purpose tag that can be used for multi-level troops, older scouts, and any level of scouts.
How Can Leaders Use Free Girl Scout Cookie Thank You Printables?
You can go to your local Office Max or Staples and have copies run off for your troop. Hand the girls a few pages of each appropriate tag for them to glue or donut tape to the box. This is good for walkabouts.
These tags can be stapled to shopping bags if people are buying large quantities at your booth or when delivering pre-orders.
You can get your four free Girl Scout thank you printables here!