Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Girl Scout Community Service Free Lasagna Love Program and Patch

Girl Scout Community Service Free Lasagna Love Program and Patch

Your troop can complete steps to badges and do community service with this free Lasagna Love program and patch.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people lost their jobs and were struggling to feed their families. Others, who were fortunate enough to still be employed or have a partner who worked, wanted to find ways to help others in their community. They wanted to help and did not know how.

According the Beyond Dish, Rhiannon Menn, the founder of Lasagna Love, posted on a local San Diego Facebook group at the beginning of the pandemic to see if anyone needed a hand, she could hardly predict that her neighborly gesture would grow into a national movement.

Free Girl Scout Lasagne Love Patch Program

The impetus for Lasagna Love stemmed from a happy accident that “just kind of happened,” according to the self-proclaimed “accidental founder.” Menn said she was heartbroken hearing stories of women struggling to feed their families. So much so that, after delivering her first group of lasagnas, she sat in her car crying, thinking about the struggles these moms were going through.

According to the Lasagne Love website, as of this writing, there are over

  • 500,000 lasganes made and delivered
  • over 5 million people who have received a lasagne
  • over 56,000 volunteers
  • 3 countries participating.

The Lasagne Love Girl Scout Patch and Program

Lasagne Love partnered with the GSUSA to create a program to help people in their own community. All the steps, activities, and how many to complete at each level can be found here.

Depending on the level you are leading, you may be able to tie the Lasagne Love patch program into one of the food badges that are available. You do not have to complete the badge, but you can meet some of the requirements by making lasagnes. For example, the Cadette New Cuisines badge has girls making food from another country. This would fit right in!

Once the program is complete, you can order the Lasagne Love patches here.

Has your troop completed the free Lasagne Love patch program?

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