Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Girl Scout Democracy for Cadettes Badge Meeting Plan

Girl Scout Democracy for Cadettes Badge Meeting Plan

With its women in politics theme, the Girl Scout Democracy for Cadettes badge one your troop can earn this election season.

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Learning the basics of how our government works is something that is covered in school. With middle schoolers, the activities in this Girl Scout Democracy for Cadettes badge meeting are more hands on and go in depth. It is also women focused.

Girl Scout Democracy for Cadettes Badge

Available on TpT

This badge is about civics, not politics.

Included in this resource:

  • All five steps
  • All printables
  • Three activities for Step 1
  • Two activities for Step 2
  • Two activities for Step 3
  • Two activities for Step 4
  • Two activities for Step 5, including a Women and Politics Jeopardy game
  • Sources listed for you, saving you time and research

What are you planning to do with your Cadette troop this election season?

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