Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Meeting Plans and Ideas for Scout Leaders From Daisies to Ambassadors

Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges are Fun to Earn

Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges are Fun to Earn

Retired Girl Scout sewing badges for Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors can still be earned. Here is where you can find them.

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One of the laments in the Girl Scout leaders is the lack of badges that relate to life skills. I remember learning to sew in third grade, when my friends and I would make little pillows from fabric squares. I eventually learned how to needlepoint, cross stitch and embroider all my my Levis, Lee, and Jordache jeans! I also learned how to sew in Home Ec class (now called “Family and Consumer Science”).

Growing up in the 70s, my mom hemmed our pants and sewed patches on our jeans for decoration and to cover holes. I also learned how to do these basic sewing skills from her.

The Benefits of Learning Basic Sewing Skills

Teaching children simple sewing skills can be quite beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Fine Motor Skills: Sewing involves tasks that require precision, such as threading a needle, stitching, and handling fabric. These activities help develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
  2. Creativity and Self-Expression: Sewing allows children to create their own designs and projects, fostering creativity and providing an outlet for self-expression.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills: Sewing projects often require planning, measuring, and troubleshooting. Children learn to approach problems methodically and find solutions.
  4. Patience and Perseverance: Completing a sewing project can take time and effort. This teaches children patience and the value of persistence in achieving their goals.
  5. Practical Life Skills: Knowing how to sew can be a useful life skill, whether for making or repairing clothing, or even for simple household projects. It encourages self-sufficiency and can save money.
  6. Confidence and Achievement: Completing a sewing project gives children a sense of accomplishment and boosts their confidence in their abilities.
  7. Attention to Detail: Sewing requires attention to detail, such as aligning patterns and measuring accurately. This helps children develop careful attention to detail in other areas as well.

Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges Can Fill the Gap

When the GSUSA revamped their badge programs in 2011, they retired dozens and dozens of badges, including sewing at all levels. Leaders want to teach these skills and still have their troop earn a badge.

What Are the Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges?

Girl Scout Brownies were able to earn the Stitch It Together Try It badge.

Girl Scout Juniors were able to earn the Sew Simple badge.

Girl Scout Juniors could earn the Council’s Own Needle and Thread (Chicago)

Cadettes and Seniors (there were no Ambassadors, but Seniors went to 12th grade) could earn the several different badges. They had a few choices:

Council’s Own Quilt It Interest Project (IP) Badge

Fashion Designer

Studio 2B Sew Glam

Can My Troop Still Earn Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges?

The short answer is YES! Once official, always official. My troop earned the Brownie Stitch It Together and it took two meetings and lots of extra hands! In fact, my troop only earned retired Girl Scout badges for their Brownie and Junior years. The reason for that was because they were newly discontinued, and Council shops were clearancing them out for 25 cents each! Since we were not a cookie selling group at that age, my dues dollars stretched a whole lot further.

Plus, they newly revamped badge program eliminated almost all the badges at those levels. There were maybe 12-15 at that time. After leaders complained about the lack of choices, more badges have been added.

Where Can I Find Retired Girl Scout Sewing Badges?

One place you can find retired badges is my Etsy shop. I also have the requirements if you need them.

While stock amounts vary depending on when you read this post, I do my best to search for these hard to find badges and have them available to you.

At this time, my shop has:

Girl Scout Brownie Stitch It Together Badge

Available on Etsy

Girl Scout Junior Sew Simple Badge

Girl Scout Junior Sew Simple Badge

Available on Etsy

Girl Scout Sew Glam Studio 2B Badge for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors

Girl Scout Sew Glam Badge

Available on Etsy

Girl Scout Fashion Designer IP Badge for Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors

Girl Scout Fashion Designer IP Badge

Available on Etsy

Is your troop planning on earning any retired Girl Scout Sewing badges this year?

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